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A taxi to the airport will cost you about 50EUR one way

On the street parking is available outside all the villas

75% of paid prepayments refundable when cancelled 14 days before arrival or earlier. 0% refundable if cancelled after.

A mid-clean, linen and towel change (not beach towels) is carried out on stays of 11 nights or more. This is a basic clean (please tidy away personal items and clear the floor of clothes, bags toys etc, so the cleaners may clean floors and surfaces), bed linen change, bath and hand towel change. A 14 night stay for example, will receive a mid-clean half way through your stay. If you wish to book an extra clean during you stay, please inform our team before arrival. The charge for a mid-clean and linen change is 80€

We have WIFI available in the house. Log on to Jupithor Villas and enter the password given in the arrival information

Yes you can. We charge 70EUR extra cleaning costs . Villa Valhalla is the only exception, pets are not allowed in this Villa

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